The Siberian cat is the national cat of Russia. This natural breed has existed in Russia for hundreds of years. This is a fairly large, powerful and strong animal. The weight of males reaches 8-10 kg, females are smaller, their maximum weight is 7 kg. The paws are large, wide, there is fur between the toes, which is designed to protect the animal’s paws from snow during the long Siberian frosts. Has a muscular body structure. The general impression of the physical appearance of the Siberian cat is a feeling of strength and power. Thanks to the life of many generations in the cold Russian climate, cats have formed a strong physique and thick triple water-repellent coat. Another feature of the fur is that it practically does not cause allergies in humans. Siberian cats have been celebrated by people for over 10 years. These cats can be safe for many allergy sufferers. Since Siberian cats produce less Fel d1. The Siberian cat is self-sufficient: it is an intelligent animal that will not get bored alone. At the same time, representatives of this breed easily converge with people and enjoy spending time with the owner. The Siberian cat will become an excellent companion — unobtrusive, but ready to join the game at any time. Sociable, human-friendly animals. They love attention and gladly accept the caress of the owner. Cats of this breed love water, for example, they can splash in a sink. These animals love heights and often imitate hunting. They can purr, but they can also make squeaky and chirping sounds. Siberian cats often use their tails to express their moods. In care, the Siberian cat does not require much attention, since it has excellent health, it is enough to periodically conduct examinations with a veterinarian, do vaccinations, and anthelmintic.
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